2 Year Olds and up
Our Stallion
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Hans Lengers started breeding Hanoverians at Indian Land Farm in 1972 and through careful selection of our mares we have, over the years, developed what we believe are outstanding horses.

Hans was one of the founding members of the American Hanoverian Society which is based on the guidelines of the German Verband.  Some of our stallions came from the Government Stud in Germany. 

Our breeding system at Indian Land Farm is based entirely on pasture breeding, the most natural way.  Our stallion grazes with his herd of broodmares and foals on large pastures year-round with run in sheds, free choice hay and minerals available to them at all times.  Our yearlings and 2-year olds live with their 'Nanny', an older retired broodmare, who teaches them manners and keeps them safe and secure.

The results are healthy horses and foals, free of vices who are happy and perfectly content.  Our conception rate for mares under 20 years of age is close to 100%.  Our stallion is like a large pet that respects and trusts us.  We do not even need a halter to lead him.

Our pasture management, feeding, and mineral program is without consideration of cost. We do all that we can to ensure the maximum potential of our foals.  We believe that bone density through proper diet, minerals and exercise at an early age is probably the most important influence on the foals' future life and career potential.